Tuesday, 21 March 2023
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Being Overdue:

We usually suggest you return every 6 months for a hygiene, so if it has been longer than this, it might take more than one session to complete your cleaning. We pride ourselves on being very gentle and thorough, and patients with sensitive teeth appreciate us taking the time to do things properly and gently.

Once you are all caught up to date, usually one visit will be enough to complete your cleaning so long as you maintain your recommended recall interval.

Your Body’s Response to Bacterial Deposits is Exaggerated:

Some medications, Illnesses and severe stress can lead to a radical change to the bacterial balance in your mouth. In these cases, the bacteria become more virulent and therefore cause more inflammation to the gums.

The response from your body to the plaque and calculus can change for other reasons, such as clenching and grinding your teeth as well as genetic factors.

In these cases, having at least one additional session is essential to ensure that every tiny bacterial deposit is cleaned off the teeth. This way, the body doesn’t have any deposits to overreact to.

It’s important also, to treat any clenching/grinding, vitamin deficiencies and other health issues promptly to ensure the maximum chance of getting the best result from your hygiene sessions.

Remember that your body isn’t a robot- the way it responds to things changes over a lifetime.

You Have Active Periodontal Disease:

Periodontal disease is a serious dental condition that is often overlooked by many. It is caused by bacteria that accumulate in the mouth, leading to inflammation and infection of the gum tissue and other structures that support the teeth. Without prompt treatment, periodontal disease can progress and cause the destruction of the gums and bone and, ultimately, the loss of teeth.

Therefore, it is essential that periodontal disease is adequately treated. Unfortunately, a single dental appointment is often not enough to provide the necessary treatment. A comprehensive periodontal assessment is required to properly diagnose the condition and plan the appropriate treatment. This usually requires multiple sessions to thoroughly remove bacterial deposits.

Once active periodontal disease has been treated and stabilised, your practitioner is likely to suggest a single appointment every few months to maintain your periodontal health