Tips To Reduce Tooth Sensitivity!

Tuesday, 13 June 2023
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Tooth Sensitivity

Reduce Tooth Sensitivity: The start of winter is here and for some people, the lower temperatures cause aches and pains everywhere in the body. For others, the cold morning air can cause sensitive teeth to zing.

Reduce Tooth Sensitivity

Here are a few tips and tricks to reduce tooth sensitivity:

Reduce your intake of acidic foods and drinks. Fizzy drinks, vinaigrettes, citrus fruits and drinks will all increase your sensitivity.

Use a straw to drink cold drinks. If you have sensitive teeth, this helps to keep the cold drinks off zingy spots.

Avoid whitening and charcoal toothpastes. These are abrasive and contain chemicals that cause and increase sensitivity.

Avoid doing any at home tooth whitening. It’s better to wait until your sensitivity has calmed down before doing any whitening.

Use a sensitive toothpaste that contains fluoride- These active ingredients reduce sensitivity. You should brush with this twice a day, and then spit out the excess. You should NOT rinse with water after brushing- this allows the paste to continue desensitizing. A sensitive toothpaste can also be applied as an ointment during the day and at bedtime with the tip of your finger. Just a very small smear for a few days will dramatically reduce sensitivity.

Use a soft toothbrush or electric toothbrush. Brushing too firmly will cause and increase tooth sensitivity.

Make an appointment with the dentist. We have several topical medicaments that we can apply to relieve sensitivity.

Keep up regular hygiene visits. Hygienists are often the first to find cracks and decay that are hidden under deposits of plaque and tartar. Early detection of cracks and decay often means avoiding sensitivity. During your Hygiene appointment we can apply desensitizing agents to any zingy spots for instant relief.

Complete any outstanding dental treatment- Teeth that are chipped, worn, cracked, or decayed will cause sensitivity.

Wear a night splint if you are a clencher or grinder. A professionally made splint will protect your teeth from chips and cracks while you sleep and allows the biting forces to be distributed evenly and more gently through the teeth. A splint can be a game-changer in reducing sensitivity.

If you have any questions about tooth sensitivity, make sure to ask us at your next appointment!