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Cosmetic Dentistry

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Cosmetic Dentistry – Smile Makeovers

Cosmetic Dentistry

Smile makeovers or cosmetic dentistry is very much about the appearance of your teeth but more importantly about restoring the health and integrity of your dentition.

Over time teeth naturally become stained, worn or even chipped and misaligned. Our youthful white smile can transform into one that is aged and broken down.

When we use the term “Smile Makeover” we are referring to creating our patients dream smile with the use of innovative cosmetic dental techniques, this can range from small cosmetic changes like porcelain veneers and tooth whitening right through to more complex cases that require a full mouth reconstruction.

To achieve this we pay close attention to every detail from the initial consultation, through to treatment planning and follow up care.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are used for restoring the strength and appearance of your teeth.

If your teeth are chipped, heavily discoloured, have small gaps or are slightly crooked then porcelain veneers may be an option.

Porcelain veneers are a thin, custom-made covering that is placed over the front of the tooth, effectively hiding these problems. The veneers are bonded directly to your tooth’s surface, this allows the veneer to be cemented in place.


Over time our teeth begin to weaken and become more susceptible to problems such as decay, cracks and discolouration and it may be necessary to place a crown to make sure there are no additional problems with the tooth.

A porcelain crown can be matched to the shade of your other teeth, this will allow it to blend in and appear just like one of your natural teeth.

teeth whitening

Everyone notices a beautiful white smile.

Teeth whitening is one of our most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments at Grandis Dental.

This treatment is often the quickest and most effective way to enhance the appearance of your smile.

If your teeth are stained or discoloured from every day activities, diet and hygiene habits such as caffeine, soft drinks, tobacco, tea, red wine, and antibiotics teeth whitening can reverse these effects.

Patients can choose between take-home whitening and in-office whitening.

In-Office Whitening produces dramatic results in just a single appointment and is perfect for a wedding, job interview, special event or if you don’t want the hassle of a daily whitening routine. Teeth whitened with In-Office Whitening are up to 8 shades whiter following the one hour procedure.

Take-Home Whitening uses a custom- moulded dental tray and professional whitening gel to lighten your teeth over the course of several days. The trays prevent whitening solutions from coming into contact with delicate gum tissue and provide a close contact with the whitener and the teeth.

Take-home trays are also ideal for touching up your whitening every 3-6 months to maintain a beautiful smile.

Grandis Grand Opening Whitening Special in Chair

Whitening $495